2016 Voting Record

2016 Legislators Voting Records

Oregon Citizens Lobby published its legislative ratings for the 2016 legislative session. For the first time you can see the scoring based on Bill Sponsorship, Committee Votes, Floor Votes or Overall Ratings. This information gives the voter a view of commitment to you in each step of the process.

Each legislative session, analysts for Oregon Citizens Lobby analyze and score each piece of legislation and assign it a yes or no vote, as well as an impact level, between zero and ten. Once the legislation is scored, the legislators receive a rating based on what they sponsored and how they voted. You can also view how a legislator voted on each bill by clicking on their name.

Oregon Citizens Lobby employs a system based on 5 Core Principles: Fiscal Responsibility, Local Control, Free Markets, Limited Government and Personal Choice and Responsibility.

Nowhere else can voters get this kind of information on their legislators.


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The American Conservative Union (ACU) is the nation’s premier conservative group supporting Americans who are concerned with personal responsibility, traditional values, a strong national defense and the preservation of liberty. The Washington D.C.-based organization is the national leader for providing conservative positions on issues to Congress, the Executive Branch, State Legislatures, the media, political candidates and the public.

The ACU is the only organization in the nation to rate the conservative voting records of state legislators. It researches and selects a wide range of bills that reflect a member’s adherence to government integrity, as well as economic, social and cultural conservative principles.

This year, the ACU produced a detailed scorecard for Oregon’s 2015 and 2016 legislative sessions based on floor votes on twelve representative bills. Oregon’s Report.